Special Offers

In addition to finding competitive pricing for Biocom California members, we work with suppliers to showcase any special offers. These limited-time offers allow Biocom California members the opportunity to save extra money or receive a special benefit, product, or service from our supplier network

Offer Name: IT Cost Assessment

Offer Description: The IT Cost Assessment offering is a basic analysis of an organization’s current IT cost structure. It can be used as a basis for cost reduction efforts, yearly budgeting, part of a risk analysis, or as a decision support tool.

How it’s done: The IT Cost Assessment uses information from a company’s general ledger (GL) to analyze and classify costs in terms that are relevant to an IT Department.

Who benefits from the report?

  • Businesses that would like more understanding of where their IT spend is going to see if they are getting value from their spend

  • The report uncovers areas where a business might be spending more or less than the average market rate for a product or service

  • The report can clarify areas of spend to investors

Plans Available: Two IT Cost Assessment plans are available as part of this promotion, based on the size of the organization. For Biocom-member exclusive pricing information, please contact us directly.

  • Plan 1: Companies with up to 50 users and IT spending of greater than $150,000 a year

  • Plan 2: Companies with 51 to 200 users and IT spending of up to $1,000,000 a year

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